About Us
Beach Concept was created 28 years ago in the south of France, is a subsidiary of our Indonesian headquarter located in Bali. We provide the following services:
  • The development of exotic wood structures (Gazebos, flooring, blinds, etc ...) supplied by carefully selected suppliers throughout Indonesia.
  • The commercialization of an extensive range of decorative objects (pottery, lamps, vegetal decoration, etc) and furniture (tables, armchairs, sofa, beds, sun beds ...), standard or made to measure.
We are specialist in equipment for real estate project (residences in seaside & sky resorts), hotels, restaurants, beach complexes.
BEACH CONCEPT is particularly attentive to the origins and traceability of its products and only uses wood certified by the Indonesian government (FLEGT- Indonesian Legal Wood).
Les essences suivantes sont celles que nous utilisons le plus régulièrement. Séchés en usine, ces bois vous offrirons les meilleures garanties d'utilisation.
Outdoor use: Teck, Ulin, Merbau, Kampas, Bengkirai
Indoor use: Teck, Kajimas, Maogani, Meranti, Merbau, Kamper